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[January 2004]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
question Ujpa 3 29/01/2004-03:54 31/01/2004-02:57
Please help in translation...! Fitza 3 28/01/2004-12:57 26/01/2015-13:12
spanish lowell 1 28/01/2004-04:25 18/02/2004-15:08
Mausi Martin 1 27/01/2004-14:58 18/02/2004-15:27
What does this mean... Steinar Eikmeo 2 24/01/2004-23:26 01/02/2004-19:55
I need help!! Santi 4 21/01/2004-19:50 26/01/2004-22:22
Word lists updated Webmaster 1 17/01/2004-13:50 06/02/2004-07:34
Old forum can be found here. Webmaster. 1 17/01/2004-12:45 24/01/2004-18:20
alguien que sepa noruego.. y pueda ayudarm Chile 5 17/01/2004-12:38 23/01/2004-13:05
aquí está el artículo (en noruego)... por Chile 0 17/01/2004-12:36
esta es la segunda parte del artículo Chile 0 17/01/2004-12:34  
WHO IS MERRY CHRISTMAS IN NORWEGIAN (NORSK from barcelona 2 17/01/2004-12:29 17/01/2004-12:31
I wanna get some pen pals from Norway, are Iceland (now in U.S) 5 17/01/2004-12:25 31/03/2008-09:35
Baking bread Lyric 1 17/01/2004-12:22 17/01/2004-12:23
UTEBLI Liv 1 17/01/2004-12:19 17/01/2004-12:20
claudicatiosymptomer Carlos 1 17/01/2004-12:15 17/01/2004-12:17
New Forum webmaster 2 14/01/2004-21:06 24/07/2008-12:19

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