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[May 2005]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
On top of the world Richard 3 31/05/2005-00:04 02/06/2005-14:38
Pronombres indicativos Darío 2 30/05/2005-03:03 26/06/2005-02:12
Please correct AB 1 29/05/2005-10:49 01/06/2005-18:32
Fernando Fernando 2 28/05/2005-16:45 07/06/2005-01:23
Forbedre? Ole 0 27/05/2005-04:20  
En liten samtale Roger Dodger 0 22/05/2005-17:58  
Oversettes til.. Ole 0 19/05/2005-20:45  
!!! :)) ????? eva 2 17/05/2005-20:34 05/07/2005-18:10
Norwegian Proverbs Mort Stein 1 17/05/2005-20:17
Baby Sophie 1 16/05/2005-21:01 25/07/2005-23:50
barneavdeling Tay 3 14/05/2005-21:18 01/06/2005-04:21
Kan noen hjelpe med å oversette? Roger 2 14/05/2005-06:30 08/06/2005-16:30
snowperson Nikita 1 11/05/2005-07:38 15/05/2005-00:08
germanic project Fljótt 1 06/05/2005-04:26 09/05/2005-16:34
Mistake in dictionary? LK 3 03/05/2005-12:55 09/05/2005-12:04

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