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[Useful phrases]

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From: Lee
Date: 19/08/2007-12:29

Hi, can anyone translate these into Spanish please? Thanks.

There are no guarantees = 
Just a minute = 
And nothing since then = 
What about…? = 
And another thing… = 
It seems like a good idea = 
That’s just the point = 
It’s easier that way = 
That’s up to him (i.e. it’s his decision, maybe he’ll do it, maybe he won’t) =
That’s his problem = 
The thing is… = 
As it stands (she has to leave tomorrow) = 
As things stand (I don’t want to go there) = 
These days (there’s a lot of talk about pollution) = 
In my eyes (he’s a hero) = 
Anyhow, anyway, in any case = 
Albeit, although, though = 
So that (we must do it like that SO THAT can achieve our goal) = 
In which/that case = 
In case (we have to…)= 
In addition to that, we must also… = 
Apart from that, there is nothing we can do about it = 
In what way? = 
With that (he drove off and was never seen again) = 
I thought as much = 
One day in the future… = 
Of course I’m coming = 
It’s easier said than done = 
…when sex is involved = 
In what way? =
The whole world (knows about it) =

The rest of the world = 

He is on time =

She is too late = 

How interesting! =

That’s such a waste of time =

Reply #1
From: =0)
Date: 19/08/2007-17:35
Jejeje (HEHEHEHE) I'll try again!!!

-There are no guarantees = No hay garantias
-Just a minute = ¡un momento!, ¡un momentito!
-And nothing since then = y nada desde entonces
-What about…? = ¿Sobre qué?
-And another thing… = y otra cosa
-It seems like a good idea = Parece una buena idea
-That’s just the point = Ese es justo el punto
-It’s easier that way = Es más fácil así
-That’s up to him (i.e. it’s his decision, maybe he’ll do it, maybe he won’t) =
(to be up to sb= depende de) Eso depende de él (es su desición, quizás lo hará,
quizás no)
-That’s his problem = Es su problema
-The thing is… = La cosa es
-As it stands (she has to leave tomorrow) = tal como esta las cosas (ella deberá
irse mañana)
-As things stand (I don’t want to go there) = tal como estan las cosas (yo no
quiero ir allí)
-These days (there’s a lot of talk about pollution) = Últimamente / En estos
días (hay muchas charlas sobre polución/contaminación)
-In my eyes (he’s a hero) = (in sb's eyes= a los ojos de...) a mis ojos (él es
un heroe) (or) delante mío, para mí (el es un heroe)
-Anyhow, anyway, in any case = anyhow: de cualquier modo/manera, anyway: de
todas maneras, in any case: de todas formas, en cualquier caso,  en todo caso
-Albeit, although, though = all mean aunque. albeit: aunque, although:aunque,
though: aunque
-So that (we must do it like that SO THAT can achieve our goal) = de modo que,
de manera que (debemos hacerlo como eso de manera que `podamos llegar a nuestra
-In which/that case = En cuál/qué caso (in that case: en ese caso)
-In case (we have to…)= por si acaso (nosotros debemos)
-In addition to that, we must also… = ademas de eso, nosotors debemos
-Apart from that, there is nothing we can do about it = aparte de eso, no hay
nada que nosotros podamos hacer sobre eso
-In what way? = ¿de que manera?
-With that (he drove off and was never seen again) = luego el se marchó y no lo
volvimos a ver nuevamente)
-I thought as much = Yo pensé tanto
-One day in the future… = Un día en el futuro
-Of course I’m coming =  Por supuesto regresaré, vendré
-It’s easier said than done = Es más fácil decir que hacer
…when sex is involved = cuando el sexo está involucrado/implicado
-In what way? = ¿de qué manera?
-The whole world (knows about it) = El mundo entero (lo sabe)

-The rest of the world = El resto del mundo

-He is on time = El es puntual (to be on time: ser puntual, llegar puntual)

-She is too late = (Too late: demasiado tarde)Ella está muy retrasada

-How interesting! = ¡Qué interesante!

-That’s such a waste of time = Eso es una gran perdida de tiempo

Again Good Luck!!!

Reply #2
From: Chica española
Date: 19/08/2007-19:40
There are quite a few mistakes…

-And nothing since then = Desde entonces, nada...
-What about…? = Qué pasa con...
-It seems like a good idea = Parece una buena idea
-That’s just the point = Esa es la idea ; eso es lo importante
-It’s easier that way = Así es más fácil
-That’s up to him = Eso depende de él
-The thing is… = La cuestión es…
-As it stands (she has to leave tomorrow) = tal como están las cosas (ella
tendrá que marcharse mañana)
-As things stand (I don’t want to go there) = tal como están las cosas (no
quiero ir allí)
-These days (there’s a lot of talk about pollution) = Últimamente (se habla
mucho sobre la contaminación)
-In my eyes (he’s a hero) = (in sb's eyes= a los ojos de...) = para mí (es un
-So that (we must do it like that SO THAT can achieve our goal) = tenemos que
hacerlo así para que podamos lograr nuestro objetivo
-In which/that case = en ese caso ; en cuyo caso
-In case (we have to…)= por si acaso (tenemos que…)
-In addition to that, we must also… = además, también tenemos que…
-Apart from that, there is nothing we can do about it = aparte de eso, no hay
nada que podamos hacer
-In what way? = ¿de qué manera? ; ¿cómo? ; ¿de qué forma?
-With that (he drove off and was never seen again) = Entonces se marchó y nunca
lo volvimos a ver
-I thought as much = Pensé casi lo mismo (as much: casi igual, casi lo mismo)
-One day in the future… = Algún día
-Of course I’m coming =  Por supuesto que voy
-It’s easier said than done = Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo
-when sex is involved = cuando hay sexo por medio
-She is too late = (Too late: demasiado tarde)= Ella llega tardísimo : ella
llega muy tarde (to be late: llegar tarde)

Saludos desde el norte de España!!

Reply #3
From: =0)
Date: 19/08/2007-19:51
ok, algún fallo hay, otros son cuestiones idiomáticas. Depende de que lugar eres
la expresión varia, o la forma en la traducción, en diccionarios de inglés una
misma expresión  o modismo suele estar aclarada la traduddión si corresponde a
Latinoamerica (suele aclarase el país) o si es de España.

De todos modos gracias porque sirve para reveer algunas cuestiones con el
idioma, más aún cuando uno está aprendiendo...

Saludos desde Sudamerica...

Reply #4
From: Lee
Date: 19/08/2007-20:16
Gracias gracias gracias!!! :-)

Does that mean there are lots of mistakes in the other question I asked... I
don't want to seem ungrateful, I just want to be sure I'm saying the right thing

Reply #5
From: Chica española
Date: 19/08/2007-20:21
As =0) said, some are grammar and vocabulary mistakes whereas other are
different ways to say the same either in castellano (Spanish from Spain) or in
español (Spanish from América).

Reply #6
From: Lee
Date: 19/08/2007-20:27
Thanks so much for your help :-)

Actually, I have a 28-page document that needs translating. Would you be
interested in doing this? I would pay you of course. It's key phrases like those
above, not full-on text or anything.

Reply #7
From: =0)
Date: 19/08/2007-20:24
Chica española is a spanish girl, try with her translation!!!
As I said I'm not good in English...
I'm from Southamerica, and She from Spain that's why some phrases are different.
Anyway I made some mistakes...

Again Good luck!

Reply #8
From: Columba
Date: 19/08/2007-21:14
.......Tomando nota de la clase de ingles.
Que bueno que compartan el dicccionario ingles espa~ol, a veces esas frases en
ingles significan una sola cosa,pero en espa~ol el significado es variable o
.......Sigo tomando nota.

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