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[Please correct!]

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From: AB
Date: 20/03/2005-09:54

Please correct and suggest the following Nowegian sentences.

1)I have two brothers. Both of them are engineers.= Jeg har to brødre. Begge to
er ingeniører.
2)I had two maps of the city, but I cannot find either of them.= Jeg har to kart
over byen, men jeg ikke kan finne den ene eller den andre.
3)There are two textbooks for the course. Neither of them is expensive.=Det er
to håndbøker for det kurset. Ingen av dem er dyr.

Thanks a lot

Reply #1
From: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Date: 22/03/2005-19:25
1)I have two brothers. Both of them are engineers.= Jeg har to brødre. De er
begge ingeniører.
2)I had two maps of the city, but I cannot find either one= Jeg har to kart over
byen, men jeg ikke kan finne noen av dem.
3)There are two textbooks for the course. Neither of them is expensive.=Det er
to håndbøker for kurset. Ingen av dem er dyre.

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