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[Please translate into English]

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From: AB
Date: 29/03/2005-01:41

Please correct the following English sentences.

1)Hun faller stadig, men reiser seg opp og prøver igjen.=She fall ever, but
stands opp and tries it again.
2)Saken har fått stor oppmerksomhet etter at fem av de tiltalte ble frikjent av
en ankedomstol 3. mars.= The matter has gotten a big attention after that five
of those taken in charge were absolved by an appeal court on March 3rd.
3)Det var straffen for at hun nektet å gifte seg med en mann fra en mektigere
klan, slik rådet hadde bestemt.= That is a punishment for that she refused to be
married with a rich, old man as like that area decided.

Thanks a lot

Reply #1
From: Ole ( (
Date: 29/03/2005-03:09
1)Hun faller stadig, men reiser seg opp og prøver igjen.=She falls over, but
stands up and tries (once) again.
2)Saken har fått stor oppmerksomhet etter at fem av de tiltalte ble frikjent av
en ankedomstol 3. mars.= The matter has received a lot of/much attention after
five of those convincted were absolved by an appeal on March 3rd.
3)Det var straffen for at hun nektet å gifte seg med en mann fra en mektigere
klan, slik rådet hadde bestemt.= That was punishment for her refusal to marry a
rich, old man, which that area had decided on.



Reply #2
From: Ole (
Date: 29/03/2005-05:12
Oops, the word "råd" here means "council", and not "area".  Didn't notice that



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