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[Music Terms ]

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From: Tay
Date: 08/06/2005-03:24

Anyone know of a good source where I can get Music Terms in Norwegian for study?
I'm a music student and I'd like to study in Norway soon. Everything from music
staff to tone-rows to syncopation. The more words, the better!


Reply #1
From: Ole-Gorm Vikeså
Date: 08/06/2005-04:28
Du kan prøve dette gratis kurs -

Why do you want to go to Norway? =)
I'm going to UiStavanger next year for music.  I was born in the States, but I'm
Norwegian and most of my family still live there.  

Just to let you know: for programs other than Skandinavian studies, you must
pass a Norwegian language test, all courses are conducted in Norwegian, and you
must have 1 year of uni studies prior to applying.

Lykke til videre,


Reply #2
From: Tay
Date: 13/06/2005-00:09
I'll try that one.

I want to travel to Norway to continue my studies in Music. I have several
friends who are there now and I have lineage as well (I live in Minnesota now).
I already have my 4-year BA in composition and orchestral conducting. I would
like to continue in Europe and I think Germany's music schools are too crowded,
France's is too uptight, and England's are too casual for my taste. My friends
tell me Norway would be ideal for my taste and interests. 
I wouldn't go unless I had a good understanding of the language first. I do not
want to go to any country without speaking the language, as I consider that
rude. I know many Europeans (as well as in Norway) speak English, but that is
not their first language and I'd like to respect that. 

If you have any other sites dealing with music terms for me to learn, please


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