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[can you help translate?]

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From: Doug (
Date: 04/01/2006-01:37

Hello, I just received a holiday card from a distant relative in Norway.  Can
anyone help translate?  This is in english so I'm missing some of the alphabet,
and I'm trying my best to read the handwriting so please do your best.

Kjare Karry og Douglas,

Hvordan gor det med far- onkel kjell. hapa han er frisk og rask.

Si begynner a gra pa arene selo- Hans er 67 og jeg 61 ar. men oi jobber for full
maskin pa tannlegekontoret.
Si er heldigersfiske og vi hav vai hund enda som er blitt 15ar som far oss ut pa
tun hva dag.
Skulle onske dere kunne komme til Norge a besoke oss, du Douglas er jo min
letter, og halvt norsk.
Si onsku dere det beste for julen og det nye aret.
Klemmer fra Nutte og Hans

Reply #1
From: ØYST€IN (
Date: 08/01/2006-01:00
Many of the words you've written don't "exist", but most likely the translation
goes like this: 

"Dear Karry and Douglas,

How's dad- uncle Kjell? Hope he's healthy.

We are growing older our selves- Hans is 67 and I am 61 years old, but i'm still
working full shifts at the dentist's office. 

Luckily we are healthy. We have a dog aged 15 that keep us walking everyday.

We wish you could come to Norway and visit us. You Douglas are my cousin and
half norwegian. 

We wish you a merry Xmas and a happy new year!
Nutte and Hans"

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