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From: Styrk
Date: 13/05/2006-13:15

What is "to" in spanish?
Ka e "to" på spansk?

f.ex. 1-14
f.eks. 1-14

Reply #1
From: ***
Date: 13/05/2006-16:27
To? in spanish???? Only 2 letters alone...
can you write another example or explain it in another way?

If "TO" is in english and you want that someone traslate it to spanish. That's
English: TO
Spanish: A and other meanings...
1 to 14
1 a 14

Reply #2
From: fdgjhgdk (
Date: 13/05/2006-23:43
to -a,al,pero,en, og tallet to e dos.

Reply #3
From: RR
Date: 15/05/2006-01:37
English "to" has ten or twenty translations  into Spanish, it would be requiered
a contex.

Usually it is translated as "a", but ocasionally it is not translated, or it
only indicates a suggestion
"If you happen to see Mark...."
"Si ves a Mark"... In this case the sentences can be rewriten as "if you see
mark". "Happen TO" is only emphatic

Usually it is associated (even translated as "a") to a limit...

"To an extend"- HASTA cierto punto
"From 1 TO 3" -"Desde la 1 HASTA las 3" or "De 1 a 3"


As you see it is requiered a contex

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