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[February 2004]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
norsk keyboard Yazd 2 20/02/2004-22:28 27/02/2004-14:28
ordbok Yazd 1 20/02/2004-22:26 23/02/2004-04:39
Translation please Cate 2 18/02/2004-01:59 20/02/2004-00:06
Icetea Kristoffer Hartmann 2 12/02/2004-10:07 15/02/2004-20:08
Oisann Fredrik Huffer 1 10/02/2004-21:28 10/02/2004-21:29
English -> Norwegian Leon 1 08/02/2004-11:23 09/02/2004-17:54
what's the spanish word? k 4 07/02/2004-19:25 20/02/2004-22:21
Please help me with some Norwegian words Alex 3 04/02/2004-19:44 19/03/2007-17:24
Help!!! Please! Michal Chrenko 2 03/02/2004-22:03 05/02/2004-10:13
Translator Steinar 2 01/02/2004-19:52 08/06/2004-05:11

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