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[October 2004]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
Some kind assistance please Tessa 1 28/10/2004-15:59 28/10/2004-17:33
Flytte fra Norge til Spania Lene 5 28/10/2004-08:27 04/11/2004-18:48
Please help! AB 2 27/10/2004-16:58 04/11/2004-18:38
Spansk adresse - hvordan skrives... Lene 3 27/10/2004-10:28 28/10/2004-22:11
Norsk Uttrykk Isis 2 26/10/2004-12:21 24/11/2004-19:20
How do I write misanthropy in Norwegian? Thiago 1 24/10/2004-06:34 26/10/2004-15:06
"-ing" eller "-ning"? Alex 1 22/10/2004-09:46 22/10/2004-20:39
Hei! Paulina 3 17/10/2004-23:32 30/10/2004-01:28
Que significa? Isis 2 14/10/2004-13:31 14/10/2004-21:46
que significa ? eva 6 13/10/2004-14:01 09/11/2004-18:00
Just a message for you to know vis 1 11/10/2004-14:38 06/11/2004-07:28
new word in norwegian for me.... mar 1 04/10/2004-10:03 05/10/2004-11:20
please, help me translate to sp or en..!? mar 2 01/10/2004-10:43 04/10/2004-10:05

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