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[July 2007]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
Oversettelse av "cambio / change" coloo 2 30/07/2007-21:36 01/08/2007-16:57
Liquid mesaurement translation Norwegian Denni 1 29/07/2007-23:04 30/07/2007-13:24
Mitología Nórdica / Norrønsk mytologi Juan 2 27/07/2007-17:06 28/07/2007-00:46
å'n ? Pauline =0) 9 26/07/2007-19:20 28/07/2007-01:54
å kjøre føles som å bli fri Lee 7 25/07/2007-15:50 30/07/2007-21:00
Help Lewk 4 25/07/2007-10:03 30/07/2007-18:41
Forrrt, foort, haster litt Lisa 3 22/07/2007-19:43 23/07/2007-13:23
Pliis, Fort:( :( :( Sofie carloz 1 21/07/2007-19:33 22/07/2007-15:11
Intercambio queretaro Zeus 1 20/07/2007-06:32 07/10/2007-10:19
poppelsvermer Vicente 2 18/07/2007-18:42 19/07/2007-01:01
språktest Vidar 1 18/07/2007-14:42 03/08/2007-00:24
Question CF 2 18/07/2007-02:43 18/07/2007-14:23
hjeeeeeeeeeeelp meg, fort Freddy 3 17/07/2007-15:59 18/07/2007-05:45
hjelp? Freddy 2 17/07/2007-15:32 25/07/2007-15:44
FORT! Liv. 4 17/07/2007-15:09 22/07/2007-11:33
Que pasa? Grev 1 17/07/2007-12:42 17/07/2007-19:34
Mitología Nórdika Nordisk.Solverv 7 08/07/2007-21:46 09/07/2007-00:32
Qué Significa Bergtagen? Nordisk.Solverv 4 08/07/2007-19:32 08/07/2007-23:51
One word question plz kakaolat 3 08/07/2007-17:19 08/07/2007-20:09
perdonarme chica noruega 3 08/07/2007-16:27 08/07/2007-19:14
Pica?, dille? Macarena 2 08/07/2007-15:28 08/07/2007-18:59
berga-nense? Chico noruego 1 05/07/2007-08:55 07/07/2007-02:44
1 minuto Observador 5 04/07/2007-23:48 17/09/2007-08:50
Chica noruega? Bergense 5 04/07/2007-21:36 04/07/2007-23:35
los dialectos mas dificiles chica noruega 6 03/07/2007-20:19 10/09/2007-11:13
Pronunciación / Pronuntiation / Uttale Juan 1 03/07/2007-19:55 04/07/2007-23:52
Adjectives Lee 2 03/07/2007-14:59 03/07/2007-17:13
Chica Noruega JAJAJA 8 03/07/2007-07:43 15/11/2007-19:20
intercambio d idiomas - Bergen chica noruega 37 02/07/2007-11:46 01/03/2015-21:25

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