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[August 2009]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
to or for kari 1 23/08/2009-17:36 23/08/2009-19:35
feliz estancia Patricia 1 11/08/2009-20:50 12/08/2009-01:23
En la leche? Robert 2 11/08/2009-15:53 22/08/2009-14:26
Oversetting av spansk til norsk Purin 4 07/08/2009-20:35 21/09/2009-21:53
Kan noen oversette for meg Ayuda me! 4 07/08/2009-13:49 07/09/2009-20:54
no tener pelos en el plumin eva 2 02/08/2009-13:12 08/08/2009-09:46

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