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[December 2009]

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Subject AuthorReplies DateLatest Reply
Español Julio 0 29/12/2009-21:23  
Escuelas y Cursos que enseñan Noruego. Ahmed 2 26/12/2009-01:05 04/02/2010-19:19
Christmas and new year wishes Jea 1 25/12/2009-21:22 26/12/2009-00:05
Where does such a web-site exist? Bergen 2 16/12/2009-11:39 06/01/2010-10:34
sorry... Lucas 6 12/12/2009-14:01 11/01/2010-16:07
dos músicos españoles... Lucas 1 11/12/2009-20:41 04/01/2010-22:43
Årstall, hjelp! Hanna 2 08/12/2009-17:15 08/12/2009-21:34
Spansk nøkkel-gramatikk Mauritz 0 07/12/2009-08:31
Spanske bøyinger! Eriko 3 02/12/2009-18:50 01/02/2010-23:48

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