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[bad language???] |
Could you please help translate the following phrase from Norwegian: "Faen. Fløtt deg." Is it bad language??? Reply #1 From: Guest Date: 13/01/2007-12:37 Hello, That is indeed bad language.. Translated into English that would be something like: "Get the f**k out of my way" "Faen" beeing the bad word like "f**k" or "shit" in English and "fløtt" beeing Norwegian slang for "move", and "deg" meaning "you" in English. If someone sayd this to you I'd say they're obviously upset and wants you out of their way. Reply #2 From: stéphanie ( Date: 14/01/2007-10:07 Hello, Yes, this is bad language and it means: "Damned, gå away or move your self". Sincerly, Stéphanie. Reply #3 From: Flowergirl ( Date: 15/01/2007-22:12 Guest, Stephanie Thank you very much!!! it is something one biathlete said to another when the latter wouldn`t let the former pass him on the track :))) I would think, however, that "Damn" is not such bad language, and that is how `faen` is translated here, in dictionary. Reply #4 From: tilfeldig innom Date: 17/01/2007-08:44 As has already been said, "faen" is rude, and in English it would be "damn!" or "f#%k!", on the other hand "damn!" isn't always rude in English (although the local vicar would say otherwise :) ) and likewise you could translate "damn!" to "pokker!", which is not as rude as "faen!", or "filler'n!" which is not rude at all. For the sake of nitpicking, it's a question of how strongly you would put it. No child would ever be corrected for saying "filler'n!", but it would sound almost absurd if you said that after sawing off your thumb. Reply #5 From: Flowergirl Date: 22/01/2007-20:38 tilfeldig innom Thanx! though I barely know Norwegian, I`m likely to become an expert in Norwegian bad language ;D Actually, most Norwegian on-line newspapers consider, for example, the word "jaevlig" rather rude and write it like "j...g"! But as they didn`t censor the word "Faen", I thought it was not really so rude... Reply #6 From: kera ( Date: 02/08/2012-03:51 This norwegian guy told me 'glad i deg' what is that supposed to mean Reply #7 From: Laura (l) Date: 27/06/2013-22:34 He said that he likes you. Norwegians do not say that so often so it is a good thing. |
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