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I have a lot of trouble when translating sentences like "I would do it but I can't." because I never know whether to use skulle or ville to mean "would" as in the conditional sense that I would do something if something else were true (but is currently not true). For example, should I say: Eg skulle gjøre det men jeg kan ikke. Or: Eg ville gjøre det men jeg kan ikke. Can anyone explain when to use ville and skulle because they both seem to mean "would"... Cheers. Reply #1 From: Alan Date: 09/11/2008-15:07 Hi, skulle = should ville = would her er forskjellen: * Jeg ville gjøre det, men jeg kan ikke. * Du skulle ha gjort det, men du kunne ikke!. Reply #2 From: Lee Date: 11/11/2008-13:51 Thanks but I don't think that is the whole story because if you look at another question on this forum [Hva betyr dumsnill?] you will see Tim's response: På engelsk skulle jeg si "kind to a fault". This to me makes it sound as though he is using skulle to mean would, even though a more literal translation of that sentence suggests skulle is being used to mean "should" as in "In English I should(would) say 'kind to a fault'" I've heard skulle being used in this way before. Any more ideas? Reply #3 From: Terje Date: 11/11/2008-18:37 Hei. Hva med å bruke betydningen av vil (frivillig, vilje) og skal (burde, eller må) Reply #4 From: Rune Frydenlund Date: 11/12/2008-11:37 Du bruker skulle når du gjør noe du føler deg forpliktet til mens ville når det er noe du selv ønsker. Reply #5 From: Lee Date: 07/01/2009-17:47 Tusen takk - naa forstaar eg! |
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