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[podria alguien traducir esto?]

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From: embarazada
Date: 20/05/2010-08:44

hola, alguien que me pueda ayudar a traducir esto a espaNol?
muchas gracias

 Likestilt med å være i arbeid er blant annet perioder som du mottar
foreldrepenger. Sammenlagt vil du derfor ha vært i arbeid og mottatt
foreldrepenger i mer enn seks av de siste ti månedene før neste fødsel.

Utgangspunktet for beregningen av foreldrepenger er den inntekten du faktisk har
når stønadsperioden din starter. NAV skal sammenligne denne inntekten med
gjennomsnittet av den pensjonsgivende inntekten din de tre siste årene. Ved å
legge vekt på opplysninger om arbeidssituasjonen din på det tidspunktet
foreldrepenger skal utbetales fra, vurderer NAV om den nåværende inntekten eller
gjennomsnittet av den pensjonsgivende inntekten de tre siste årene skal legges
til grunn ved fastsettelsen av grunnlaget for beregningen av foreldrepengene.

Reply #1
From: K-Man
Date: 23/05/2010-00:32
Hm, muchas expresiones económicas y palabras difíciles. Creo que mi nivel de
español no es suficiente para traducir esto.

Puedo intentarlo, pero no se si el resultado será bueno. :)

Reply #2
From: embarazada
Date: 25/05/2010-11:45
if you feel more confortable writing English, that will be fine as well, or just
give it a try in Spanish/prueba tu espaNol de todos modos! 
Muchas gracias desde ya

Reply #3
From: K-Man
Date: 27/05/2010-20:55
Equivalent to work are periods during which you receive parental benefit. All in
all you have worked and recieved parental benefit for more than six of the last
ten months prior to the next birth.

The calculation of parental benefit is based on your spesific income at the time
when the benefit period commences. NAV is comparing this income with the average
of your pensionable income during the last three years. By emphasizing
information regarding your work situation at the spesific time of benefit
payment, NAV consider whether the current income or the average of the
pensionable income during the last three years is preferable when it comes to
the calcualtion of the parental benefit.

Reply #4
From: soup
Date: 28/05/2010-01:51
Like Faced with being in work include periods that you receive
parents money. Overall, you will therefore have been at work and received
parental benefit for more than six of the last ten months before the next

The basis for the calculation of the parental benefit is the income you have
when your benefit period begins. NAV should compare this income with
the average of the pension your income the last three years. 
By emphasis on information about your work situation at the time parental
benefit shall be paid from, considering the NAV on the current income or
the average of the pensionable income for the last three years shall be
the basis for determining the basis for the calculation of the parents money.

tienes problemas para calcular tus derechos por periodo prenatal?

Reply #5
From: embarazada
Date: 29/05/2010-21:15
muchas gracias

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