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[Please correct the English ones]

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From: AB
Date: 29/03/2005-09:19

Please correct and suggest the following translated English sentences.

Etter en lang vinter, og den siste uka med mer snø og flere minusgrader, lengter
vi etter våren. Likevel pakker mange ryggsekken og reiser til fjells i påsken.
Noen har egen hytte, andre går på ski mellom hyttene til Den Norske

After a long winter, and the last week with more snow and more of negative
degree. However, many people pack their rucksacks and travel to mountains in the
Easter. Some have own cabins, the others ski from the cabins to the Norwegian
touring assoc.

Thanks a lot

Reply #1
From: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Date: 12/04/2005-21:05
After a long winter, and the last week with more snow and temperatures below
freezing.  However, many people pack their rucksacks and travel up in the
mountains during
Easter. Some have their own cabins, others ski from cabin-to-cabin, which all
belong to the Norwegian Tourist Association.

Reply #2
From: Szujin
Date: 19/04/2005-21:58
...many people pack their backpacks and travel to the mountains for Easter...

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