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[Hva står det på norsk?]

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From: Ole (
Date: 29/03/2005-20:10

Hei på dere, er det noen som kan fortelle meg hva dette står på norsk?  Takk for
alt :o)

I apologise if I was one of those people.  I just find it natural to write in
English and translate to Norwegian, or vice versa.  I'll try to summarise, as
you suggest.

Since I'm a legalistic person, I prefer the word-for-word translations. 
Accuracy must be learned.  Being lazy is a personal choice, and can therefore be
avoided.  I learn a great deal from direct translations - mostly from what I do
on my own.  Subtitles are not always accurate, since they often summarise or
"sum it up".

If one wants to think in Norwegian, as you propose, one would have to live in a
Norwegian environment and have constant exposure to Norwegian in everyday life. 
I grew up thinking in both Norwegian and English because I am bi-lingual, but
even for me it's difficult to always think in Norwegian, since I'm not able to
use it often in my daily life.  I watch a lot of Norwegian tv shows and listen
to radio as much as possible just to keep myself in-check and up to date.

My theory is that no matter how many languages one grows up speaking and exposed
to, they will eventually have a dominant "thinking language" that they use more
than the rest.  The only sure way to get people to think in a specific language
is to drill them in that language, and most importantly, to teach them in that
language.  I fail to understand why the American teachers continue teaching
so-called "foreign languages" in their mother tongue - English.  Then they will
always think of that language in English!  

Several of my fellow international students here at the University of Manitoba
in Canada knew zero English before coming here.  After 6 months in the IEP
(Intensive English Programme) many of them spoke quite well, and guess what? 
Since students come from around the world for this program, speaking various
languages, the IEP program is conducted in English - English is taught in
English.  In the student residencies/dormitories, English must be spoken by IEP
students, or they will be sent home.  As you can imagine, the program is quite
effective, and many become fluent within a year or less.  Many of the IEP
students study 6 months of English in the summer, then enter the university in
the Fall to study Science, Medicine, Music, Architecture, you name it.  In fact,
most of my friends are international students from non-English speaking
countries.  One of my friends is a 42 yr old woman from S. Korea who recently
graduated w/a BA to teach highschool in Canada.  When I met her 3 years ago, she
spoke almost zero English.  Now she is as fluent as I, if not more.  This is
just one example. 

The problem I see for native English speakers is that  programs are far and few
between for native English speakers to learn other languages, with the exception
of some major languages - esp. French, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish.  Much
pertaining to learning is based on incentive.  What is one's purpose for
learning the particular language?  And how often will one be interacting with
other people in this language?  These are important questions for people
interested in becoming fluent in the language.   


Reply #1
From: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Date: 12/04/2005-21:54
Det står ingenting på norsk.  Hva du sikkert vil si er at du vil at man
forklarer på norsk hva Ole skrev på engelsk.  Jeg vil ikke oversette ord for
ord, bare sammenhengen, slik at du forstår hva han sier og hevder.

Han begynte med å si at han finner det naturlig å skrive på engelsk og oversette
dette til norsk, og omvendt.

Siden han arbeider med juss (juridiske saker) foretrekker han å oversette ord
for ord, og hevder at nøyaktighet må læres.  

Han er ikke akkurat konsekvent i sitt syn, da han viser til
studentkamerater ved universitetet i Manitoba, Kanada, som har lært engelsk i
løpet av seks måneder ved å lære engelsk
fullstendig ved hjelp av undervisning på engelsk.

M.h.t. engelsktalende sier han at det ikke er lett for disse
å studere andre språk, med unntakelse av fransk, japansk, mandarin, og spansk. 
(Det er ikke mange andre hovedspråk som ikke er nevnt, bortsett fra tysk, hindu

Han later ikke til å ha klare tanker og retningslinjer, ei heller ikke engelsk
som sitt morsmål. 

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