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[Please translate into English]

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From: AB
Date: 14/09/2005-14:12


Please translate the following sentences into English.

1)Men hvordan han snudde og vendte på det, var han ikke god for å få det opp.
2)Så ble han trett og satte seg ned, og så tenkte han det skulle være moro om
nøkkelen passet til skrinet, for et lite nøkkelhull var det på det.
3)"Knepp!" sa det i låsen, og da han tok i lokket, var skrinet åpent. 

Thanks a lot

Reply #1
From: Villi
Date: 20/10/2005-19:50
1) But whatever way he looked at it, he wasn't able to open it.

2) Then he grew tired and sat down for rest and he thought it would be funny if
the key would fit to the box, becouse there was a small keyhole on it.

3) The lock said "click" and when he tried to open it, the box was open.

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