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[norwegians please]

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From: chucho
Date: 25/11/2006-00:28

hello guys. long time no see! as i recieved quite a bit of critisism for my bad
spelling in the last post i wrote here, i'll write this one in english so there
will hopefully be no misunderstandings. i have a few words that i can't
translate through this dicitionary that i'd like you guys to help me with...

- "vitterlig" as in "det var vitterlig det jeg sa". does it have anything to do
with the word "vittig"? i'm a bit puzzled about it, because if it's supposed to
mean funny or something like that it doesn't make sense at all in the consensus
i read it.

- kjempeklabb, and words that start with "kjempe" in  in general. "han er en
kjempeklabb". what is "en klabb", and what does it mean when "kjempe" is put in
fron of the word?

- "litt" as in "litt av en femiklatt", and by the way i don't know what "en
femiklatt" is neither... haha. and i've seen it before... "litt av en type" or
"litt av en mann", does it have anything to do with his size?

thanks for your help!

Reply #1
From: [The Narfer]
Date: 25/11/2006-02:19
- Hi there, "vitterlig" has something to do with "vittig" if you transelate
"vittig" with "funny" then if you say "Den mannen oppførte seg vitterlig" it
means "That man acted funny".

- i don't know what you would mean with a "klabb" but I know that someone uses
it, "Kjempe" means "giant" though. So a "Han er en kjemperæv" would be "He's a
giant ass".

- A "femiklatt" means a "gay dott" It's weird, but it's actually "a gayish
person". "Lit" means "some" or "little". So it would be "You're a little gay,
aren't you?" but in a funny way.

Reply #2
From: Webmaster
Date: 25/11/2006-07:01
"Vitterlig" is not the same as "funny".
It has the same stem as "å vite" = "to know".
"Det var vitterlig det jeg sa" = "It was really what I said" (realmente).
As an adjective it can be translated: known (conocido).
I will add the word to the dictionary.

Reply #3
From: bolla
Date: 26/11/2006-12:07
I think tou meant virkerlig and not vitterlig, well.. you can say vitterlig, but
most people in Norway say virkerlig. so if you are going to speak norwegian, you
should prefere virkerlig. So than it would be  "Det var virkerlig det jeg sa" 
wich means that was really what I said. 

I don't know what you mean by "kjempeklabb", but kjempe means giant, huge etc. 
I think what you meant to say was "Kjempekar" or something like that, because I
have never heard the word before. But "Kjempekar" means like a really nice guy
(boy\man), just as mother-in-laws dream :)  so if you say "Han er en
kjempekar\kjernekar" it means he is a good boy\nice boy etc. 

I don't know what femieklatt, but I guess it's a femie gay, faggot etc.

Reply #4
From: Sebastian
Date: 27/11/2006-10:09
"vitterlig" - webmasters explanation is correct (the word "virkerlig" does not
exist in norwegian, the correct spelling is "virkelig" and means "really")

"kjempeklabb" has nothing to do with a "nice guy" or persons at all, its a
negative word according to my view, and I relate it to things which does not
function well (it refers to the snow that "klabber" under your skis while
skiing). But the word is a slang - so dont use it.

"Femiklatt" - I have never heard that word. "Femi" (from female) used about male
person means that he acts or dress like women, but does not have to be a gay
person ("han er litt av en femi").  "Femiklatt" - I think thats the same as
"femi", may be in a negative meaning.

Reply #5
From: chucho
Date: 27/11/2006-23:19
thanks to all for your replies! the thing is i write e-mails with my friend, and
so for her to learn spanish and me to learn norwegian, sometimes we write to
eachother in our mother tongues. it's quite fun actually ;)

she has now explained to me that "klabb" is someone who's annoying/stupid, while
"femiklatt" is an expression (negative) for a guy someone who acts feminine... i
think we should try to avoid using slang in our future mails... ;)

but once again, thanks a lot for your replies!

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