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Original Message:

From: spanish Freak12år
Date: 19/01/2007-18:52

ska det være un eller el i setningen " Mi padre es ___ médico"??
takk på forhånd=)

Reply #1
From: Vicente
Date: 19/01/2007-19:34
Dett er enten un eller el. Se dice: "Mi padre es médico"

Reply #2
From: =0)
Date: 19/01/2007-19:35
Could be UN médico, but it sounds bad
         EL médico, it's better and the correct way in this case... If you must
choice one of them EL is the best.

But it depends on the context... Because you could use without articles: Mi
padre es médico...

Reply #3
From: Eliza
Date: 19/01/2007-21:53
Mi padre es un medico

Reply #4
From: :)
Date: 19/01/2007-22:17

Reply #5
From: =0)
Date: 19/01/2007-22:13
spanish Freak12år:

Can you write the phrase, please? Because all could be write. We need the

Thank you!!

Reply #6
From: =0)
Date: 19/01/2007-22:22
Hahahaa... "...could be right!!!" Shit!!! BAD English!!

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