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Original Message:

From: Mary
Date: 27/04/2008-19:05

Can somebody help me with the spanish clock.
I need to translate:
-It's 10.00
-It's 12.30
-It's 14.25
-It's 18.15
-It's 19.45
-It's 21.50 
-It's 22.35
I really hope somebody can help me;P

Reply #1
From: Vicente
Date: 28/04/2008-01:00

It's 10.00    Son las diez
-It's 12.30   Son las doce y media
-It's 14.25   Son las dos y veinticinco
-It's 18.15   Son las seis y cuarto
-It's 19.45   Son las ocho menos cuarto
-It's 21.50   Son las diez menos diez
-It's 22.35   Son las once menos veinticinco

 Good luck. Vicente

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