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Subject:Stepping into the puddle
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Original Message:

From: Pinky
Date: 03/03/2010-18:21


In an English (American) text I recently found the term "stepping into the
puddle" repeatedly used, sometimes in quotation marks, sometimes without. Can
anybody help me clarifying whether this expression is an idiom, and what does it

Thanks in advance!

Reply #1
From: Ramanjula Reddy Bhuma (
Date: 15/06/2010-08:15
Hola Amiga,
"Stepping into the puddle” refers to conscious emotional attunement to another
person, meaning you have to temporarily stop being so concerned about your own
feelings, needs and desires, and instead tune into how your mate is feeling, and
what it’s like emotionally to feel the feelings she’s going through. This asks
of you to temporarily let go of your critical judgments and emotions in order to
be emotionally available to your intimate partner.  Stepping into the puddle
with someone else is about temporarily joining them with your presence, your
response, your touch and your heartfelt participation.


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