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Original Message:

From: Hilde
Date: 03/03/2004-14:28

I'm sort of in a little trouble. My school has some Spanish visitors, and we're
supposed to ask them some questions in English, but I'd like to be able to
impress them a little, and ask them in Spanish ;) But I'min a bit of a hurry, so
I really hope someone is able to help me FAST.. 
Here are my questions:

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. Is it hot there in March?

5. What do you like to do in your spare time?

6. What do you think about Norway?

7. What did you know about Norway before you got here?

8. Do you want to come back to Norway sometime?

I'll be thrilled if someone's able to help me!! :)

Reply #1
From: Calvados (
Date: 03/03/2004-18:42
1. What is your name? Comó te llamas ( llamas pronounses jamas)

2. How old are you? quantos años tienes?

3. Where are you from? Donde vives ( that means; where do you live)

4. Is it hot there in March?   ? :(

5. What do you like to do in your spare time? :(

6. What do you think about Norway? :(

7. What did you know about Norway before you got here? :(

8. Do you want to come back to Norway sometime :(

Hope that was a little help

Reply #2
From: Arne (
Date: 05/03/2004-09:00
Hola Hilde!

Que tal?

1. What is your name? Comó te llamas ( llamas pronounses jamas)

2. How old are you? quantos años tienes?

3. Where are you from? Donde vives ( that means; where do you live)

4. Is it hot there in March? ?Hace mucho calor en Marzo?

5. What do you like to do in your spare time? ?Que hace en tu tiempo libre?

6. What do you think about Norway? ?Que piensa de Noruega?

7. What did you know about Norway before you got here? 

?Antes llegó a Noruega, que sabía de Noruega?

8. Do you want to come back to Norway sometime? ?Quiere ir a Noruega otra vez?

Buena suete Hilde

Saludo, Arne.

Reply #3
From: Hilde
Date: 09/03/2004-12:14
Thank you!! :)
Gracias!! :)

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