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[Norwegian happy baby? What?]

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De: Judy Eberstein
Fecha: 29/01/2007-03:52

What does this mean in English >>>> "kan man ha roligare"

Video here:

Cute, happy baby!

Repuesta #1
De: Erik
Fecha: 29/01/2007-14:12
"kan man ha roligare" isn't norwegian, it's swedish.

Repuesta #2
De: =0)
Fecha: 29/01/2007-15:04
It's not Norwegian, it's Swedish
Rolig in Norwegian is: calm, calmly, composed, cool, easy, easy-going, facile,
leisurely, peaceful, quiet, quietly, relaxed, restful, silent, smoothly,
tranquil, unflustered, unhasty

And ROLIG in Swedish is the opposite: Funny

"Can one have fannier" (could be that, but I'm not good in english)

Repuesta #3
De: J
Fecha: 01/02/2007-13:45

Repuesta #4
De: =0)
Fecha: 02/02/2007-23:52
Yes, I saw my mistake... Sorry

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