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De: halabund
Fecha: 25/02/2007-15:38

If I look up 'tide' in the Norwegian dictionary, I get a page that says:
see i tide, see på tide
but both of these links return "not found"

Repuesta #1
De: Nikolai
Fecha: 25/02/2007-17:02
"Tide" is no norwegian word. But maby you did mean "tid" that means time, or
maby you did mean "i tide" that means in time.

Repuesta #2
De: louis ( (
Fecha: 25/02/2007-21:30
på tide means 'it's about time, it's high time)
i god tid == to be on time

Repuesta #3
De: halabund
Fecha: 26/02/2007-11:34
Thanks for all the replies. :)

Repuesta #4
De: boh3m3
Fecha: 27/02/2007-09:14
i nede some help with a norwegian  word... and hope you can helpe me. the word i
don't understand is ''utstoppet''

Repuesta #5
De: Webmaster
Fecha: 27/02/2007-13:47

"på tide" and "i tide" are now in the dictionary. Thank you for pointing out
this error.

"utstoppet" is also added, it means "stuffed".
Ex. "Et utstoppet elghode" = "A stuffed moose head".


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