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De: ChristianMR2 (
Fecha: 21/06/2007-14:07

Jeg trenger å få oversatt dette til Engelsk:
Can someone translate this to English? 

Elektromagnetisk puls (EMP). Det er velkjent at atomvåpen sprengt i atmosfæren
forårsaker alvorlige skader på elektronisk utstyr og slå ut sikringer. Dette
skyldes intens gammastråling som ioniserer atomene i atmosfæren. Et galaktisk
gammaglimt vil forårsake tilsvarende skader. Både satellitter, fly og utstyr på
bakken blir rammet.

Repuesta #1
De: Lee (
Fecha: 03/07/2007-20:30
Direct Translation
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) 
It is well known that the blast from an atomic weapon in the atmosphere causes
serious damage to electronic equipment and knocks out defence systems. This is
due to the intense gamma radiation that ionizes the atoms in the atmosphere. A
galactic blast would cause similar damage. Satellites, planes, and other types
of airborne equipment can be affected.

More colloquial translation
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) 
It is well known that the blast, or fall out, from an atomic explosion in the
atmosphere can cause serious damage to electronic equipment and knock out
defence systems. This is due to the intense gamma radiation that ionizes the
atoms in the atmosphere. The same type of damage could occur if the Earth were
to receive a similar blast of radiation from outer space. Satellites, planes,
and other types of airborne equipment would be affected.

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