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De: Lee (
Fecha: 03/07/2007-14:59

Can anyone confirm if this is correct please?

the picture is nice  = bildet er fint

the pictures are nice  = bildene er fine

the big picture is nice = det store bildet er fine

the big pictures are nice = de store bildene er fine

Repuesta #1
De: chica noruega
Fecha: 03/07/2007-16:12
hi there!

Everything is correct, except the third one:

The big picture is nice = Det store bildet er FINT.

When there is only one object (the picture - bildet) you use FINT. If there are

more than one object (many pictures/the pictures - mange bilder/bildene) 
you use FINE.


Repuesta #2
De: Lee
Fecha: 03/07/2007-17:13
Tusen takk. Gracias. Whichever applies :-)

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