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[new word]

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De: Rob
Fecha: 09/11/2004-18:56

There is a lack with the word in spanish "interín" (used "en el interín"), it
means "meanwhile" and also "interim" in english, but I do not know the
translation in norwegian.

Thank you for your job,the diccionary is a powerful tool,  it is very useful to
find some expressions

Repuesta #1
De: Alex
Fecha: 09/11/2004-19:36
Personally, I'm Spanish and it's the first time I see the word "interín".

The translation of "meanwhile" into norwegian is "imens" and also "i

Repuesta #2
De: Webmaster
Fecha: 09/11/2004-21:43
Thank you, Rob and Alex.

ínterim or interím.


(1) interim-midlertidig
(2) meanwhile-mellomtid

Added to the list today.

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