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De: z
Fecha: 14/11/2004-20:40

Is this a norwegian text?
What does "pep" mean?

Repuesta #1
De: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Fecha: 15/11/2004-18:35
Yes, it is.  It is from a famous collection of (fairy) tales.
Pep is the past tense of the verb å pipe, which means to whine or whistle, i.e.
make a high whining or whistling sound, in this case made by the wind.

Repuesta #2
De: kimmy
Fecha: 24/11/2004-19:13
Well.. Arne got a point, but it can also be
a sound from an animal..
"Musen pep"
Well, i can't transl. but it is a sound that the mice maks..

Repuesta #3
De: saba (-) (-)
Fecha: 25/11/2004-14:59
yeah thats right... musen pep
the mice made a noice !

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