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[Translation please!]

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De: MK
Fecha: 18/09/2008-09:00

How could the sentence "I'm sure it will" --which, just to be clear, is sort of
a optimistic answer to something -- be translated to Norwegian?

Oh, and i'd like to know what "Hvordan det?" does really mean, since apparently
has many meanings.


Repuesta #1
De: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Fecha: 18/09/2008-18:27
I'm sure it will=Jeg er sikker på at det vil.  In other words, pretty much
identical to English.  Hvordan det? can best be translated with something along
the line of How about it? or How come?

Repuesta #2
De: MK
Fecha: 18/09/2008-21:27
Ah it all Makes sense now

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