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[Hasta la victoria siempre]

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De: Elephant
Fecha: 20/05/2009-15:28

What does "hasta la victoria siempre" means?

Repuesta #1
De: El Kaxo
Fecha: 20/05/2009-16:11
"Until victory, forever!"

But I think the most common way to say it in English is "Ever onward to

Repuesta #2
De: Rob
Fecha: 22/08/2009-14:33
"Hasta la victoria siempre!" is an expressión with a lack of words,perhaps a
nice translation may be "Allways to victory".

The meaning is that your only target,always, is obtaining the victory.

Repuesta #3
De: OscarG
Fecha: 12/09/2009-23:41
Ever onward to Victory  ; this is the closer English expression for Hasta la
Victoria Siempre  . This phrase was
used by Ernesto Guevara ,the Che ,and is being used by 
1000's people around the world .

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