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De: domdom
Fecha: 13/10/2009-23:43

could somebody translate that from norwegian, can't seem to get the meaning. my
guess is that it's just like saying Ouch or something?

Repuesta #1
De: El Kaxo
Fecha: 14/10/2009-00:34
Yeah, that's probably right. The Norwegian equivalent for "ouch" is normally
written "au", but I guess in some parts of the country it sounds like "ævve".
But you won't find the word in any dictionary. :)

Repuesta #2
De: Oslolosen
Fecha: 14/10/2009-09:14
"Ævve" is "eye" in many dialects. Some sentences I found using Google (written
in dialect!):

"Ævve for ævve å tanngard for tann..."

"Frysninger gjekk nedover ryggen da je fekk ævve på en tå de rareste skapninga
je nonsti har sett."

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