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[English -> Norwegian]

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De: Leon (
Fecha: 08/02/2004-11:23


I am a web designer in the process of making a Norwegian version for a real
estate site called 

Of course I have a norwegian helper to do the actual translations (I don't speak
any Norwegian), but she isn't available at the moment and there are two small
things that I need some help with.

On the site we have a utility to search the database called a "Property Finder".
I would like to know if it would convey the meaning if I simply replace PROPERTY
with EIENDOM and FINDER with SØK in the property finder image on the top right
hand of this page:

The site has another feature called "Star Buys". These are selected properties
that are given a prominent postions on the site. You can see one here on right
hand column of this page:

Could someone please suggest something similar in Norwegian for the "Star Buy"
image that would convey the same idea.

Thanks in advance.

PS. Congratulations and thanks to the owner of this site - you have done a great

Repuesta #1
De: mroach (
Fecha: 09/02/2004-17:54
For the property finder you might want to phrase it like:
Søk etter eiendomer.

(I'm no expert by a long shot, but I think thats how it would go)

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