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De: Gummi ( (
Fecha: 09/04/2005-04:39

Eg er ikkje heilt klar over meiningen her.  Er det nokon som kan oversetje?

Hello class,

I have been responsible for this mailing list for exactly six years (it was
formed on April 6, 1999).  During that time it has grown from a handful of
members to over 1500.  As you can perhaps imagine, it is not easy to moderate an
online community of this size.  Usually people post on-topic and follow the
published posting guidelines (see the footer below).  However, there are times
when I feel obliged to put a stop to an off-topic discussion thread, such as
this week's thread about the late pope.  Some individuals took offence,
referring to my actions as "censorship" and "dictatorship".  One of them even
left the group, and has been emailing other members off-list to share his

NORSKKLASSEN IS A MODERATED FORUM.  It has been moderated almost from the start.
 I adjust the list settings as needed from "light moderation" to "partial
moderation" to "full moderation", which means I have to approve every posting. 
Newcomers are always on probation until they have demonstrated that they are
interested in learning Norwegian rather than spamming, trolling, or harvesting
email addresses.  In this way we have maintained a high level of relevance on
the list.  Those of you who participate in the discussions about the Norwegian
language have my sincere gratitude.  Without you this list would die.

If you cannot accept the fact that Norskklassen is a moderated forum, please do
yourself a favor and unsubscribe.  The link for unsubscribing is also in the
footer below.  If you want to start another, unmoderated list, you have my best

For anyone who chooses to remain, I look forward to many more years of fun with
Norwegian.  I am working on a second weekly feature of "little words" like
prepositions and sentence adverbs that are often confusing to beginners. 
Perhaps a weekly grammar topic will also develop, to provide more discussion
material for our "class".

There, now I have said my piece.  It took me an hour to compose this email; I
hope I have cleared up any misunderstanding.

Your benevolent dictator (in the Platonic sense),

Repuesta #1
De: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Fecha: 12/04/2005-21:22
Ja, dette er fra Norskklassen, som Pierre er ansvarlig for, som eier av listen. 
Jeg vil ikke oversette alt, men gi deg tilstrekkelig forklaring, slik at du
skjønner hva som foregikk.

Pierre har holdt på i nøyaktig seks år.  I løpet av den tiden har medlemstallet
vokst fra en håndfull til over 1500.

Vanligvis følger medlemmene retningslinjene, men når innleggene ikke følger
tråden, eller emnet, ser han seg tvunget til å sensurere disse, og kutte ut det
som ikke passer inn i diskusjonen osv.  

I forbindelse med diskusjonen om paven var der noen som ble fornærmet, og hevdet
at hans aksjoner var diktatoriske.  En av disse forlot gruppa, og har sendt
e-poster til andre medlemmer direkte, for å uttrykke sin misbilligelse.

Pierre foreslår at alle som ikke kan godta hans inngrep,
og form for sensur bør slutte i gruppa.

Repuesta #2
De: Gummi (.)
Fecha: 13/04/2005-04:47
Ah, takk så meget. :)

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