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[germanic project]

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De: Fljótt (
Fecha: 06/05/2005-04:26


Im trying to acquire examples of translation material for my project on northern
germanic languages. If someone could tell me what this is in norwegian, thanks
very much.  I don't need all of it, but half would be nice, as I have that
amount for my other language and dialect examples.  Takk!

Long ago the land of Norway was a Viking land.  The sea about it was a Viking

They were a bold, brave people, the Vikings.  The sea was their road to
adventure, and they loved it.  But they loved the land, as well.  

Olaf the Strong loved both sea and land.  Once he had sailed in Viking ships. 
He had fought in far places.  Then a wound had put an end to his fighting days. 
He had come home to his farm in the south of Norway.

Olaf took a wife, and children were born to them.  The first two children were
daughters.  Their names were Helga and Erna.  

The last child was a son.  His name was Sigurd.  The mother taught the
daughters.  She taught them to cook and make cloth and sew.

Source: Viking Adventure, by Clyde Robert Bulla

Repuesta #1
De: Christine
Fecha: 09/05/2005-16:34
Here is a translation for you :-)

For lenge siden var Norge et vikingland. Havet rundt det var et vikinghav.

De var et fryktløst pg modig folk, vikingene. Havet var deres vei til eventyr,
og de elsket det. Men de elsket også land.

Olaf den sterke elsket bådet havet og land. En gang hadde han seilet med
vikingeskip. Han hadde kjempet på steder langt borte. Et sår hadde satt en
stopper for hans dager som kriger. Han hadde kommet hjem til sin bondegård sør i

Olaf giftet seg, og de fikk barn. De to første barna var døtre. Deres navn var
Helga og Erna.

Det siste barnet var en sønn. Hans navn var Sigurd. Moren lærte opp døtrene. Hun
lærte dem å lage mat, lage klær og å sy.


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