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[Norwegian Possessive Determiners/Pronouns]

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De: Beowulf
Fecha: 05/01/2012-12:58


I would be grateful if anybody could help me.

In English and other languages there are two different categories Possessive
Determiners and Possessive Pronouns.

The Possessive Determiners are together with a noun, but the Possessive Pronouns
are used in instead of a noun.

For example:

My car is red = My (possessive determiner); car (name)
Mine is blue = Mine (possessive pronoun).

When I look in my books for learning Norwegian, I only can find the determiners
(but they say on the top that they are "pronouns"). Are my books wrong, or old?
Or maybe they are named like that in Norway? Does only exist one category in
Norway?... So maybe I can say (my car) = min bil/ bilen min? and I can use the
same word ("min" without using a name in front or in the back?).

Best regards,


Repuesta #1
De: Cobra
Fecha: 05/01/2012-18:13
Min bil er rød.
Min er blå.

Mitt hus er stort.
Mitt er lite.

As you can see, you can use the same word in Norwegian. Just remember that you
have to use "mine" when it comes to plural.

Min datter er 16 år.
Mine to er 14 og 17.

Repuesta #2
De: Beowulf
Fecha: 05/01/2012-19:47
Thank you very much for your clear and quick answer.


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