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De: nadia
Fecha: 15/04/2006-23:43

which one of these are correct : friendly - more friendly - the most friendly or

friendly - friendlier - friendliest

Repuesta #1
De: geq
Fecha: 16/04/2006-15:51
Hilsen fra Australia.

They are all correct:

friendly, friendlier, friendliest
friendly, more friendly, the most friendly

tall, taller, tallest
tall, more tall, the most tall


Repuesta #2
De: ***
Fecha: 18/04/2006-14:56
I believe they both are correct, but it seems better to use "more" and "the
most" for me..

Repuesta #3
De: nadia
Fecha: 20/04/2006-15:46
thank you !!!

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