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De: Richard (
Fecha: 21/04/2006-20:33

Hi all! I've stumbled across this site and can't beleive how great it is! You
all seem like such friendly people!! I'm English, 22, reading an MSc in Music
Technology, but also learning norwegian in my spare time. I've been at it for 6
months now on my own, but would love to get in contact with a native norwegian
speaker. If any norwegian is up for emailing me, we can help eachother learn.

Hei hei, jeg heter Richard. Jeg er student fra England og studerer
Musikkteknologi i York. Jeg lærer nosrk når jeg er heldig, men jeg er veldig
dårlig!  Jeg vil gjerne treffe noen norsk folk som kan hjelpe meg lærer norsk. 
Hvis du lærer englesk og vil gjerne snakke med meg, sende en e-post til meg og
vi kan lærer fra hverandre!

Ha det bra/bye!!

ps. My thanks go to the webmaster... this site is great and the dictionary can
be a lifesaver!!

Repuesta #1
De: anita (
Fecha: 11/05/2006-15:00
hello. did you get anny help?? i´m a norwegan girl, i would love to help you,it
is just one problem,i don´t have axess to the computer all the time. how are you
maneging to learn the prunantion in norwgan when you are doing it al bye youre
self? and why do you wanne learn norwegan? ellers går det bra? du må uansett ha
lykke til med norsken,kjekt at du vil lære deg det! hade

Repuesta #2
De: Richard
Fecha: 15/05/2006-18:07
Hei Anita! Nei, ingen folk har skrivet til meg enda. Du er førsten! Det er ingen
årsak at du ikke bruke nett ofte... jeg skal sende epost til deg. snakkes


Repuesta #3
De: Richard (
Fecha: 16/05/2006-00:26
Hey again Anita. You're email address doesn't appear to work. Email me and we'll
get in touch that way.

Jeg gleder meg til å snakker med deg og bli kjent med deg!


Repuesta #4
Fecha: 16/05/2006-23:02
HEI Anita 
you´re e mail address does´t appear 
my name is Marie, I´m from spanish 

Repuesta #5
De: $pidey
Fecha: 19/05/2006-14:44
Hi , Richard! I am a Norwegian boy (soon 16 years old).
If you want we can communicate with each other on MSN Messenger on English or
Norwegian. And i can help you with your Norwegian^,^ I found your message here
on the tritrans forum. 
Please add me to your Messenger with this mail:

Repuesta #6
De: Richard
Fecha: 19/05/2006-15:14
Kult! Det skal jeg gjøre...

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