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De: Davies
Fecha: 30/08/2006-13:12


Can anyone help with the translation of the following into Eng:

Med temperaturer omkring 30 kuldegrader slet de tyske styrkene under Fedor von
Bock tungt,...

I have: With temperatures around 30°C below freezing, the German forces under
Fedor von Bock suffered badly,...

I'm not sure about the word 'slet'. It appears the dictionary says this means
'worked'. But does slet mean 'worked very hard'? Or 'exhausted'?

Any help much obliged.



Repuesta #1
De: eva
Fecha: 30/08/2006-13:54
 "slet "is pas for "å slite "

å slite = work onself to death; to do some lift, effort.

Repuesta #2
De: Davies
Fecha: 30/08/2006-17:24
OK, thanks for this. I've come up with the following:

With temperatures around 30°C below freezing, the German forces under Fedor von
Bock suffered terribly

Bye for now...

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