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[How do i say needed in spanish?]

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De: Erik (
Fecha: 21/11/2006-13:07

Hey, How do i say this in spanish;

"they needed a car"
"You dident needed a car"
"i needed a car" 
"i didnt needed a car"
"he needed a train"
"He didn't needed a train"

I know like 20% how to translate it, but something is wrong, maybe you know it
better than me, please :)

Repuesta #1
De: MiniMeg
Fecha: 21/11/2006-14:24
Hi there,
they needed a car = ellos necesitaban un carro.
you didn't need a car = tú no necesitabas un carro.
I needed a car = Yo necesitaba un carro.
I didn't need a car = yo no necesitaba un carro.

It's the same structure for the other ones.

Remember that it's DIDN'T NEED. Do not use the verb in its past form when using
the help verb DID in negative sentences.

Good luck

Repuesta #2
De: Carmen
Fecha: 21/11/2006-15:09
"Carro": Hispanoamerica. "Coche": Spania

Repuesta #3
De: Bella
Fecha: 23/11/2006-14:19
I Spania er det også veldig vanlig å si "me hace falta" = necesito. 

Les hacia falta un coche 
A ti no te hacia falta un coche 
(A mi) no me hacia falta un coche 
(A el) le hacia falta un tren 
No le hacia falta un tren

Lykke til!

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