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De: Nikolai
Fecha: 27/11/2006-19:06

Er dette riktig?
blir det Suicider hvis man skal skrive selvmorder:P

Is this right?
How do i right suisider i a defined way?

Ex.I am i suicider!

Repuesta #1
De: angel
Fecha: 27/11/2006-23:09
Well, the Oxford dictionary gives you the option "suicide" for
selvmorder(without the ending -er). 

A suicide = the intentional killing of oneself or a person who commits suicide.

Haaper det hjelper!

Repuesta #2
De: Richard
Fecha: 08/01/2007-22:49
Actually, if someone feels like committing sucide they are called suicidal.

Faktisk, det er bedre å burde "suicidal" her.

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