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Tilbake til forumet | Svar på denne melding

Fra: stine (
Dato: 08/05/2007-21:37

hei sann, må skrive ett postkort på spansk! 
kan noen oversette dette til spnsk for mej?? med ENKEL spansk, ikke noe fanzy,
vanskli noe hehe

"Hei sandra!
Her i valparaiso er været fint, det er masse sol!
Jeg bor på et fint hotell midt i byen og har tilbringt
det meste av tiden ved bassenget og i sola! Skal rpøve å få shoppet litt snart
også snx snart klem stine"

håper noen kan hjelpe trenger ikke være ordrett!=D

Svar #1
Fra: kakaolat (
Dato: 08/05/2007-22:29
Hola Sandra!
Aquí en velparaiso hace muy buen tiempo, hace mucho sol!
Vivo en un hotel muy bonito en medio de la ciudad y he pasado el mayor tiempo en
la piscina tomando el sol! Intentaré ir de compras prongo también... Hablamos
pronto! Un abrazo!

Haaper dette kunne hjelpe deg :)

Svar #2
Fra: stine:D
Dato: 10/05/2007-16:48
tusen takk for hjelpen..reddene engel:D

Svar #3
Fra: Lin (
Dato: 31/05/2007-23:24
 Hi!! I know that this is not a reply for your question but I was wondering if
you can help me to translate thias text to norwegian since my reading classes
are at the end of this week and I haven`t still finish to translate the whole

Can you help me please??? thanx before hand Lin

We know what you are doing and it is best for you to stop it, is best for you
not to dare to come to our houses to bother us anymore, we know who you are… you
think that you really know us?… you really don’t know what we are able to do,
maybe u could have felt it, with what is left of your family, your marriage is
about to be over and it has been so easy to destroy it, we have been sending
demons to your mind since about 10 months ago, so you could become crazy and
kill your stupid wife yourself for something she hasn’t done, you could have
shed innocent blood it was so easy, only putting suspicious thoughts in your
mind and spirits to oppress you (how has it been the pain, we can confuse you
very easily, we know all your weak points!) we have seen that it just take too
much time and we want no more play around, we rather it to be quicker, so if you
continue sending things to bother us and even coming to our places we can kill
her in few weeks with sickness; and about your kid that could be a surprise...
you think that they are protected cause they are far away? We can just make the
whole family really sick until all die. As you can see is best for you to stop
NOW before we actually kill what you love the most.

 Think about it…

Tilbake til forumet | Svar på denne melding

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