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["maybe" in spanish]

Tilbake til forumet | Svar på denne melding

Fra: i
Dato: 07/12/2004-14:04


I have found some words meaning "maybe" or "perhaps" in spanish, (i.e quizá,
quizás, tal vez, a lo mejor). 
can anyone please tell me the differences in signification and use? 

Thanks!!! :-D

Svar #1
Fra: Arne Bjermeland ( (
Dato: 10/12/2004-12:14
Quizá and quizás express doubt.

The concept of doubt or uncertainty is often introduced
     by words such as quizás, puede que, tal vez, which trigger the

In some other cases, a condition or hypothesis may simply be implied, as in the
following sentence:

-Charlaban de vosotros y me dijeron que, a lo mejor, se acercaban a veros. =
'... perhaps / maybe they would drop by and see you.'

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