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Tema:esposa eller mujer?
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Opprinnelig melding:

Fra: lilly
Dato: 17/05/2007-13:10

er det vanlig å si esposa eller mujer om kona si?
har en skoleoppgave og trenger svar snart..

hilsen lilly

Svar #1
Fra: Miguel Angel (
Dato: 20/05/2007-02:53
Den begge to

Svar #2
Fra: Lin (
Dato: 04/06/2007-20:22
 Hi lilly!! you can use both, but is more common to call mujer to a woman that
is not necesary married to a man; if they live together u can call her his
mujer, but when you say his esposa then you are afirming that she is married to
a man.

 I hope it can solve ur doubts...


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