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Tema:Norwegian Translation Help for a Play
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Opprinnelig melding:

Fra: Nigel Revenge (
Dato: 18/08/2004-23:09

I am a playwrite currently creating a character who is from Norway.  I need him
to throw in a few bits of Norwegian during the course of the play, so I am
looking for someone who may be able to assist me with that, and also a breakdown
of sounds to English so that I can have my actor say the words correctly.  The
person who assists me must know some English to Norwegian slang, curse words and
some groupings of English words that may not translate the same way to
Norwegian.  Must not be shy or prudish!  haha.
Please email me at the given address if you are willing to help me out a bit and
I will be more than greatful.  Thanx!

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